John Martin


For the last twenty nine years I have practiced as a licensed architect as well as taught in both academic and professional settings. For the past year I have been studying and teaching at Judson University, just outside Chicago, Illinois, completing a Master of Architecture with a concentration in Traditional Architecture and Urbanism.

I believe the work of architecture is the act of making. Each work of architecture, whether a room, a building, or a neighborhood, is the product of unique circumstances and inevitably a part of a continuum going back thousands of years. The deliberate act of building in a purposeful and meaningful way beyond mere shelter is architecture. The built record of this effort is the history of architecture and every built work must take its place in this continuum of history, in addition to being a result of a unique context.

To paraphrase Steve Mouzon, the author of The Original Green, the most loved and thus most sustainable buildings are well crafted to meet and succeed current needs and yet are also universal in their potential to be adapted by future generations. The most enduring architecture is informed, not bound, by the past--forward looking by taking into account the changing conditions of our world while acknowledging the broad and diverse context of our communities, and society. Finally the incorporation of knowledge of precedent into work which reflects our shared values, traditions, and culture is what separates architecture from mere construction, and what makes this humanistic effort a work of lasting value.

Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio

Master of Architecture Thesis
View John Martin's Thesis

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